Ah Yes, It was time for my yearly vet visit. I had my appointment yesterday on my daddy's birthday & St. Patricks day. Mom was a little nervous as she thought I had lost weight. She thought I might have been depressed since my brother moved in with Aunt Bev. So she did the "whole work-up".
I made her walk me around the yard for a whole half hour before I would go poo. She did what many of my DWB's friends moms did. She wanted to baggie my poo. YUCK!! The humans are bagging our poo yet were disgusting for licking ourselves. They need to just fess up and admit if they could do it they would too.
Anyways yesterday was very eventful... We all got up at 6am with dad, even the lil bipeds. Mom walked me around the yard for a half hour to bag my poo. Then mom and the bipeds took dad to work. Mom and the bipeds came home, picked me up. From here mom and I dropped off the bipeds to mom-mom & Uncle Tony's. Then mom took me to the vets but before we went in we went for a nice walkie.
When we arrived at the vets it was like a normal visit a few other doggies and cats here and there. I was a good boy I said hello to everyone then sat down with mom. Until a boxer puppy came in with his daddy. Then I started talking to him (mom says I started yapping my brains out) and we played a little bit. He was very cute he was only 4 months old and his daddy was awesome. He was keeping his ears hes wasn't going to crop them. Shortly thereafter it got PACKED there was only standing room. I also got to see and play with a pug, a Shepard lab mix, a large black poodle (mom said he was a standard sized poodle). But boy was he big and fluffy!! A Pomeranian, 3 cats (they didn't wanna play with me tho), a bulldog, Oh and another husky!!!
Then they called me back to have my examination. I saw Doctor Betty - I have never seen her before so I was a little scared. But mom assured me she was nice. She is who saw my cousin Candy. Doc Betty came in and I tried to hide under moms chair. They coaxed me out and mom was right she is SUPER NICE!! She got on the floor and played with me, gave me belly rubs, scratched my ears, listened to my heart and lungs. Felt me all over and looked at my gums and teeth. The only thing she did which I think was a little rude was looking at my hiney hole. I don't know why she felt the need to do that but whatever floats her boat. All in all she said I looked great.
Then mom brought up the "me being too skinny" question. Doctor Betty said I am just PERECT. Long term I will be much healthier and it will be better for my muscles and joints. So there mom! I think she is just used to fat huskies -- no offense to anyone of course.
After the talk and some questions and more belly rubs. I went for a walk in the back with Doctor Betty. I got weighed again and I weigh 53.2 lbs, I got my shots and had a heartworm test done. Then they scanned me to make sure my microchip was still in and working -- Which it is.
Then I came back out to my mommy. Who paid my bill and got my heartworm meds and frontline and we left. She told me what a great puppers I was and am. She drove me home with the front two windows down. (I was safely secured in the back with no chance of escape) When we got home we went for another walkies just the two of us. I got my lunch and then mom went to go get the bipeds.
Mom then went with the bipeds to get dad from work. They all then came home gave daddy his birthday presents. My mom-mom & pop-pop came over and gave me goodies and gave my daddy a cake. A brown derby cake -- For those of you who don't know its a chocolate cake with vanilla icining filled with strawberries and banannas. Covered with chocolate covered banannas and strawberries.
So that was my day in a nutshell. I hope all my DWB friends had a wonderful St. Patricks day too!! An in the odd chance that anyone else had a birthday like my daddy did yesterday. I hope you had a happy birthday too!