I was bored out of my mind today being a lazy day and all. When I came
acrost the image below and thought it was just AWESOME!!! It's exactly how I feel today.. LAZY!
Anyways its like this pretty cool dog friendly inn that the
Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue, LLC uses for their dogs and pups when they are in
Chocorua ,New Hampshire. Pretty cool looking place. I have included the link the the Lazy Dog Inn,
HERE, check it out.
Don't forget to check out the Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue,
LLC link above as well. Pretty cool place in my
opinion!! But than again any group or
organization who rescues and helps out doggies in need is A OK in my book!!! My daddy really likes this place. Don't tell but he has a soft spot for Retrievers. Of course I AM his FAVORITE so I guess I will allow it.

Hope your all enjoying your lazy
dayz of summer. Not too many of them left!!! Hope its not too hot where you all are. I miss you all and promise to catch up on
everyones blogs. I know I am behind!!! ;-)
Play Bows,
An special puppy kisses and snuggles for my gurl Bama!!