Been a while. Things are good we just been busy. Having a problem getting the mum to post for us. We stole her and made her post this little update. Anyways we are all doing well today -- It's SUPER HOT here today. We are sucking up the air as mum says. But its nice. Anywho we wanted to tell you all that mum did pick a name for our newest memeber(s)... Yes memebers. The amputee -- Who the name game was for was named Lily. Because mum liked the idea that lily pads can grow up outta ugly ponds and what not. An how people can still find beauty in them just like she saw in her. So her name is now Lily and shes awesome -- Still a little nervous but shes almost fully recovered as far as her missing tail is concerened. She is no longer on meds for it or the pain. An she no longer is spraying urine on people when u touch her. She is also starting to trust people other than mum. So all is well - pics of her are forth coming.
On another note -- We have another introduction -- her name is Peanut - She is a dumbo hairless rat. Mums first hairless -- Mum fell in love with her instantly so she came to live with us. I don't know about cute but she is pretty sweet. . . I will leave the "Am I cute ? to all of you. What do you all think??. . .
Play Bows,